Conferences and Publications


Postgraduate Research in Progress (PGRiP) August 28th to 20th 2024 – The MOD3LTHERM team have been invited to give a talk on MOD3LTHERM and the transition from PhD to PI. Here is a link to the conference:

DIG workshop 10th October 2024 – The MOD3LTHERM team have been invited to present a poster on the MOD3LTHERM project at the DIG workshop. More details for the workshop will be available through the DIG team.

GSNI webinar series October 2024 – MOD3LTHERM have been asked to present on the results of DIG and the new MOD3LTHERM project at the GSNI webinar series. Exact date TBC.

Geology geoseminar series, Trinity College Dublin, November 2024 – Emma L. Chambers has been invited to present on geothermal in Ireland. Exact date TBC.


British Seismology Meeting 2024 – MOD3LTHERM – MODelling the 3D thermal and Lithospheric Structure of geoTHERMal regions, Chambers et al. 2024. For a list of the abstracts including the one above click here