The MOD3LTHERM team consists of scientists, researchers and industry partners based in Ireland, Northern Ireland, UK and Spain. The core team are based at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Ireland. Below are short bios about each team member:
Emma L. Chambers – PI
Emma L. Chambers is a research fellow funded by the SFI-IRC pathways programme. She is the PI of the MOD3LTHERM project and will coordinate the project as well as supervise the PhD candidate on the project. For more info click here.
Chris J. Bean – Mentor and Co-PI
Chris J. Bean is the mentor and Co-PI of the project. He will oversee the direction of the project and co-supervise the PhD candidate. For more info click here.
Bernard Asare Owusu
Bernard Asare Owusu is a PhD researcher and is focussing on determining the subsurface temperature of the Krafla volcanic complex. He will use the same methods as used in Ireland and then benchmark the model using direct temperature measurements. A key component to the research will be adding melt to the models.